Archive | April, 2014
Aside 4 Apr

Ann Joyce:
Strengths/Weaknesses: There is a plethora of literature related to democratic transitions and levels of violence. Numerous scholars have analyzed case studies from around the world making their own predictions on the causes of democratic transitions and the factors that lead to violence. While there is plenty of research related to Turkey and Algeria, there is a limited amount related to Egypt. Due to the consisted development of the situation in Egypt, scholars have mostly written theoretical articles about the potential outcomes that could occur.

Limitations: This paper cannot analyze whether or not a democratic transition is successful. Similarly, the focus on Egypt will need to be narrowed to a time frame between the start of the Arab Spring and potentially the 2nd round of elections occurring in the next few months. Due to the evolving situation in Egypt, this paper needs to be focused on a historical time frame, instead of the current state.

Approach: The focus of this paper will be on the factors present during democratic transition and the effect that is had on the level of violence. Scholars have theorized about the necessary factors needed to ensure limited violence. These theories will be analyzed in the frame of Algeria, Turkey, and Egypt.